No, students will be in double occupancy. Communal Restrooms will be cleaned and disinfected on a heightened schedule and will include anti-virus applications following CDC Guidelines.
COVID-19 Communication Hub
About the Fisk COVID-19 Communication Hub
About the COVID-19 Taskforce
The Covid-19 Taskforce is a university-wide task force composed of the Vice Presidents, Staff representatives from respective areas, and other leaders across campus. The taskforce is a deliberative body that seeks to make the best recommendations on a path towards establishing Fisk University's new normal. The primary consideration of the task force is the help and welfare of students, faculty, and staff.
Fisk University Reopening Plan 2020
Fisk University Best Practice Newsletter
Coronavirus COVID-19
Our Committee Members
Covid-19 Taskforce
- Mickey West (Chief of Campus Safety)
- Dr. Natara Garvin (Vice President of Student Affairs)
- Dr. Arnold Burger (Vice Provost for Faculty Initiatives)
- David Cobb (Director of Facilities Development)
- Brian Garner (Director of Information Technology Systems)
- Dr. Sajid Hussain (Associate Vice Provost for Information & Technology (CTO) and Discipline Coordinator of Data Science)
- Dr. Antwain Leach (Interim Assistant Dean, School fo Humanities)
- Laura Purswell(HR Consultant)
- Jermaine Fisher (Executive Coordinator, Shared Services)
- Madeline Guinee (Director of Marketing and Communications)
Resumption of Normal Activities (RONA)
- Dr. Antwain Leach (Interim Assistant Dean, School fo Humanities)
- Dr. Holly Hamby (Associate Professor of English; Chair, Arts and Literature)
- Dr. Shelia Peters (Associate Professor of Psychology)
Communication Updates
July 21, 2022
Move-in guidelines for Fall 2022
1:04 PM
Dear Fisk Students,
While COVID-19 guidelines continue to be everchanging, we have updated our move-in plan for the fall semester to support a successful move-in process. The reminders below are designed to give you a timeline of your move in.
General Check-In and Move-In Information
- July 24, 2022 – Student Leaders Check-In (Only approved student leaders will be able to check-in)
- 9am-5pm (All Students)
- July 30, 2022- New Students, Transfers and Graduate Students
- 9am-12pm – Jubilee Hall and New Livingstone
- 1pm-4pm – Crosthwaite and Mary D. Shane
- August 4, 2022- Returning Students
- 9am-5am (All Buildings)
- New students will check-in in the residence halls with Admissions counselors.
- Appropriate masks and social distancing are required by everyone in the buildings.
COVID-19 Testing - Mandatory
- All students must be vaccinated or submit an approved COVID-19 exemption to move on campus.
- All students must also submit proof of a negative COVID-19 test to check-in to the LLCs. Tests can be taken up to 7 days prior to your arrival on campus.
- You will not be allowed to move into the residence hall without the negative result and/or vaccination card.
- It is recommended that you maintain both a hard copy and an electronic copy of your result.
- Students unable to submit a negative test, will be tested on site during their check-in. If you have any specific questions, please email
We look forward to seeing you on campus this week. Please be sure to adhere to the aforementioned guidelines. Remember to practice social distancing, continue to wear your masks, wash your hands and travel safely. We ask that you take every step to protect yourself and the Fisk community. For specific questions regarding move in contact
January 2, 2022
Move-in guidelines and adjusted move-in date
9:48 AM
Dear Fisk Students,
While COVID-19 guidelines continue to be everchanging, we have spent a great deal of time considering a move in plan for the spring semester that will keep density down on campus during this critical time. Additionally, we have heard your concerns regarding the move in date and flight cancellations. As a result, we are extending grace on arrival times. The reminders below are designed to give you a timeline of your move in.
I. General Move-In Information – January 5-6, 2022
- Jubilee Hall and New Livingstone Hall 9:00 am -Noon
- Shane Hall and Crosthwaite Hall: 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
- All students must have a negative COVID-19 test result to move in or attend classes (If you live off campus you must submit a negative COVID-19 test result to attend classes in person) All students will be tested after the quarantine period.
- Only two individuals will be allowed to accompany the student into the Residence Hall
- Appropriate masks and social distancing are required by everyone on campus
- Students will enter a mandatory quarantine period beginning January 9, 2022, at 7:00pm as a result, all students residing on campus must be checked in by January 9th.
II. COVID-19 Testing - Mandatory
- Students must complete PCR testing and provide proof of a negative result.
- You will not be allowed to move into the residence hall without the negative result and/or vaccination card.
- Submit a copy of your test results here (make sure your name and the date are visible) Test should be taken 72 hours prior to arrival.
- It is recommended that you maintain both a hard copy and an electronic copy of your result.
We look forward to seeing you on campus this week. Please be sure to adhere to the aforementioned guidelines. Remember to practice social distancing, continue to wear your masks, wash your hands and travel safely. We ask that you take every step to protect yourself and the Fisk community. For specific questions regarding move in contact
December 27, 2021
COVID-19 Booster Vaccination Requirement Update - Spring 2022
8:09 AM
Dear Fisk Students,
I hope that you are enjoying winter break and finding the time to rest and relax.
I write today to let you know that Fisk University will require all students, except those with medical exemptions, to receive the COVID-19 booster vaccine when they are eligible to do so. Students are eligible for the booster dose six months after completing the primary COVID-19 vaccination series of Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna, or two months after completing the single-dose COVID-19 vaccination of Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen.
In the past few days, several colleges with very high vaccination rates have experienced large outbreaks on their campuses, and some have sent students home, closed their campuses, and switched to remote learning. The omicron variant has been identified in a significant number of the cases, and many positive cases have occurred in vaccinated individuals. Although we still have a great deal to learn about the omicron variant, the evidence to date indicates that this variant is highly transmissible. Based on the evidence so far, the booster appears to provide significant protection against both infection and serious illness in individuals who are exposed to COVID-19, whereas the two initial rounds of vaccine have reduced efficacy due to immunity waning over time.
As a residential university that offers congregate housing and dining — both of which increase the risk of transmission — it is particularly important, as the omicron variant continues its spread, that students receive the booster as soon as they are eligible. Our addition of the booster requirement is based on the evidence to date that the booster will give us the best chance of preserving the in-person student experience in the face of a highly transmissible variant.
During the first two weeks in January, students will be required to provide the college with an updated image of their vaccine card which notes their booster information. The upload process will be like the process we used this summer.
If you are eligible for the booster shot and have yet to get it, I urge you to use your time over the winter break to get the booster. You can find places to get the booster shot here. For those not yet eligible, or unable to obtain the booster shot over break, there will be opportunities to obtain the booster once you return to campus. Given the transmissibility of omicron and the increased risks from holiday gatherings and travel, however, I strongly encourage you to obtain the booster in the next couple of weeks if you can, so that re-entry to campus runs as smoothly as possible.
Thank you for your ongoing partnership in keeping the Fisk family safe and healthy. Further information can be found in this FAQ. As a reminder, the university is currently closed and will reopen on January 4, 2022. Move in day is scheduled for January 6, 2022. Please direct questions related to the booster shot to We will begin responding to inquiries and providing assistance on Tuesday, January 4, 2022.
Happy winter break.
September 15, 2021
3:55 PM
Dear Fisk Family,
Next week marks the midpoint of the fall 2021 semester and responding to challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic. We appreciate the tremendous efforts of our students, faculty, and staff in reaching this milestone. We have collectively demonstrated resilience, flexibility, and patience. We recognize that reaching this milestone has been very taxing on our Fisk family. Living, learning, and working during a pandemic continues to challenge all of us. To this end, we wanted to take a moment to share an update on testing data, vaccination rates, and our current safety procedures.
Testing Data
- Current Active Cases on campus – 6
- Current Active Cases off campus - 1
- Total Cases for Fall 2021 semester – 19
*August 26, 2021- to date, including Faculty, Staff and Students
- Total Tests Administered to date – 759
Campus Vaccination Rates
- Faculty and Staff -100%
- Students- 83% (We are still striving for a 100% vaccination rate from students. Vaccinations are available Monday-Friday, 9am-1pm at Meharry Medical College).
*This data represents the percentage of faculty, staff, and students who have submitted proof of COVID-19 vaccination or an eligible exemption.
Current Safety Procedures
- Vaccination Policy - On June 9, 2021, President Newkirk transmitted a memo which stated that “to protect the University community; faculty, staff, and students must be vaccinated prior to the fall semester.” Full vaccination is to be completed as soon as possible, and proof should be submitted by 5:00 p.m., July 30, 2021.
- Mask Mandate - Effective July 29, 2021, Fisk University requires all faculty, staff, students, and visitors to wear an appropriate face covering while inside campus facilities/buildings.
- Bi-Weekly Testing Notification – August 13, 2021
- Mask Mandate Update-Effective August 27, 2021, face coverings must be worn inside and outside on the campus of Fisk University.
- Athletes Mandatory Vaccinations – Notice sent September 7, 2021, requiring all student-athletes to submit proof of vaccination. All sporting events require proof of vaccination for attendance.
- Fall 2021 Quarantine and Isolation Procedures - Sent August 23, 2021
- Daily Testing Update- August 25, 2021, Students, Faculty, and staff may be tested at Meharry Monday-Friday 9 am-2 pm if they are experiencing symptoms or have come in close contact with a positive COVID-19 case.
- Jubilee Day and Homecoming Announcement- Sent September 14, 2021
We know the midpoint in the semester can be challenging for all, especially this year as we continue to navigate the pandemic. Please consider your wellbeing and reach out to the university counseling center if assistance is needed. We remain hopeful that students, faculty, and staff will continue to be cautious and committed to mitigating the spread of the virus. Please adhere to all mandates, policies, and procedures regarding COVID-19.
Stay safe and well. Fisk Forever!
August 27, 2021
1:12 PM
Mask Policy Update
Dear Fisk Family,
The Fisk University Covid Task Force has determined that face coverings must be worn inside and outside on the campus of Fisk University. Face coverings are in addition to and is not a substitute for social distancing. Repeated refusal to comply with the requirement may result in discipline through the applicable conduct code for students, faculty, or staff. Reasonable accommodations may be made for those who are unable to wear a face-covering for documented health reasons.
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Associate Provost for Student Affairs Student Affairs | Fisk University |
June 29, 2020 COVID Update
As we move closer to the reopening of Fisk university read below to learn what’s new:
- Faculty and Staff have been trained on COVID19 preparations, policies, and procedures.
- Fisk blue and gold face mask have been ordered.
- New directional signs have been ordered to provide ease of flow throughout our beautiful campus.
- A tentative phased reopening schedule has been implemented driven by very specific safety criteria.
- Phase 1 – July 6
- Phase 2 – July 20
- A screening location/testing location has been established on campus
- New technological developments have been made to reduce or even eliminate the need for students, faculty, and staff to visit offices in person. We are closer than ever to becoming a paperless campus.
- A very exciting partnership has been developed with Meharry Hospital/University to ensure that the best medical guidance is being followed on campus.
- New course schedules have been developed to accommodate our new academic calendar.
As we have seen over the last few weeks, the COVID19 pandemic is quickly changing. We expect more changes to come. However, we are making substantive changes that will allow Fisk to survive the pandemic and thrive in the future. Please do your part by wearing your mask, social distancing, and staying home when at all possible.
HERF Quarterly Reports
HEERF Quarterly Report Quarter End 09/30/20
HEERF Quarterly Report Quarter End 12/31/20
HEERF Quarterly Report Quarter End 10/10/21
HEERF Quarterly Report Quarter End 12/31/21
HEERF Quarterly Report Quarter End 03/31/22
HEERF Quarterly Report Quarter End 06/30/22
HERF Quarterly Report Quarter End 10/10/2022
HERF Quarterly Report Quarter End 01/11/2023
HERF Quarterly Report Quarter End 04/10/23
HERF Quarterly Report Quarter End 07/10/23
- Financial Aid
- Student Accounts
- Residential Life & Student Activities
- Academic Affairs
- Campus Safety
- Human Resources
- Information Technology Services
- Facilities Development
Director of Financial Aid
Giovanna Padilla
Student Accounts Manager
Dr. Christopher Duke & Dr. Natara Garvin
Director of Residental Life (Dr. Christopher Duke) 615-329-8505
Associate Provost for Student Affairs/Dean of Students
(Dr. Natara Garvin) 615-329-8635Dr. Robert Carr Jr.
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Mickey West
Chief of Campus Safety
Laura Purswell
Human Resources Consultant
Brian Garner
Director of Information Technology Services
David Cobb
Director of Facilities Development
Key Contacts/Authorized Information Sources
Extensive cleaning is done in all common areas throughout the day. We increased our cleaning schedule and will continue adhering to CDC guidance on how to clean and which products to use.
The safety of our students, faculty, and staff is our highest priority. The safety measures put into place for students include but are not limited to socially distanced classrooms, one-way directional flow of buildings, available personal protective equipment, rearranged high touch areas, reduced seating capacity, reconfigured office spaces, etc. We will continue to add to the safety measures as we know more.
During the spring 2021 semester, all on-campus residents will be housed in single room accommodations for 14 weeks. Please refer to the Spring 2021 Academic Calendar found here for a breakdown of the semester schedule.
Students can access contact information via the university directory
Move-in date is July 30, 2021, for New students and Sophomores(including International Students)
Move-in date is August 5, 2021, for all Juniors and Seniors
- Jubilee Hall and New Livingstone- 9 am-12noon
- Crosthwaite Hall and Shane Hall – 1 pm-4 pm
- Please note that Resident Assistants (RA’s), international students, athletes, and other special populations will be contacted directly by Residence Life for their additional instructions.
- The university reserves the right to change the move-in schedule and the buildings occupied based on the needs of the university.
Yes, the cafeteria will be open for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
The first step is to call Human Resources and the COVID-19 Emergency Response Team. We would then immediately isolate that person, and if staff, ask them to leave campus as quickly as possible. We then would need to contact the local health department to notify them of the positive case. At that point, we would follow their guidelines on how to proceed. Typically, that means we would immediately begin contact tracing and requiring quarantine by the impacted individuals. The entirety of this plan is still being solidified.
the student hub link.